The Crucial Importance Of Employee Training
Feb 20, 2016

Many businesses don't hire unqualified employees, but some businesses do. Sometimes the current employees become under-qualified due to changes in the technology or the deployment of new methods of production. There is no doubt that training comes at a cost and the two biggest resources used in the job training are time and money. Often there is a requirement of third party to conduct job training. The additional costs incurred are unbillable hours and the time which is missed in actual work.

But all these costs are less when compared to the costs incurred due to untrained employees. There is a great importance of employee training and without trained employees companies have to suffer big costs due to less productivity of the untrained employees.

Why there is a big importance of employee training?

There is a big importance of employee training in an organization due to several reasons. Here we will discuss some of the most important ones.

• Those employees who are not trained feel a sense of underachievement, inadequacy, unhappiness and less support. They seem to be dissatisfied with their work. This encourages them to underperform, make mistakes, not care about the product they work on and many other issues.

• The quality of the work is lower and is of less value by the untrained workers. Since they have less knowledge about the new technologies and the skills required they seem to be less concerned about the importance of employee training in the organization.

• More time and effort is spent when the employee is untrained and this is the reason for more wastage of time by them.

• Due to the mistakes and inefficiency of the untrained workers, the companies have to face big loss from the overall system. Due to mistakes and inefficiencies the companies can face big issues like lost customers, low product quality and others. Though it may be the worst scenario but it may happen in many situations. That is why there is a big importance of employee training in the organization.

When you have a new technology and processes in place, the importance of employee training becomes more and more evident. Though there is a good upfront cost visible when providing training to the employees, it is far less that the cost you may have to pay when your employees are not trained. Having the workers trained in the technologies and processes you have means that your workers are learning new skills which will improve the production. Thus all your production costs will be reduced and there will be fewer mistakes in the production or services. This will build a huge confidence in your workforce and will help in creating a better environment in your company.