How to Become a Better Business Manager
Jun 28, 2019

The way that you manage your business will have a massive impact on its overall success. Be a bad manager, and your workforce isn’t going to feel motivated to work for you. Show yourself to be a good manager, on the other hand, however, and you’ll be sure to see your business’s productivity levels soar through the roof.

There’s no shame in admitting that you can become a better manager. To find out how you can achieve this professional goal of yours, be sure to read on.

Be positive

If you show yourself to be positive no matter what challenges come your way, the workforce that you are tasked with leading will be sure to follow suit. In this instance, it is very much about leading by example. By remaining upbeat and constructive with regards to your chances of success, your workforce will instantly feel that they have a better chance of doing whatever it is that has been asked of them.

Being positive should never mean that you become unrealistic, however. If a particular task is too big to get done in a certain amount of time, don’t fill your employees with false hope. Be pragmatic and practical, and sprinkle some positivity on top to increase their productivity.

Prepare for the worst

All good managers are optimistic and positive, yet they are still able to prepare for the worst. By being able to safeguard your business against external plights as well as consider the potential ramifications of your internal actions, you will find yourself circumventing problems far more often. As a result, you will be able to devote more time and effort to the all-important task of retaining a high level of workplace morale.

One way to prepare for the worst is to ensure that you are ready to face legal action as and when you find yourself having to do so. In this instance, it is essential that you partner up with a law firm that is capable of providing you with comprehensive business law support — Futeral & Nelson, a Charleston law firm, are capable of providing just that. With them or another firm of the like by your side, you will be able to prevent the damage that lawsuits have the potential to cause to both your finances and your reputation.

Don’t dismiss the little things

In business, it’s essential never to dismiss the smallest aspects. Even the most intricate things need to be addressed when seeking to become a better manager. Does a certain individual employee of yours respond well to being set tight deadlines, or would they prefer more time to get their work done? Is there any way you can manage your time better on Monday morning to ensure that you are ready for that big presentation come Friday afternoon? Don’t dismiss the importance of the little things, and you will become a far better manager.

Want to become a better manager? If so, then you need to put the above advice into practice. If you do, you will improve your chances of success in the world of business, no end.

How To Be More Successful In Your Career
Apr 01, 2019

To be successful in your career will require you to work hard and go above and beyond in your professional life. There’s a lot of competition out there, and it’s not always easy to get noticed on the job.

Be glad to know there are steps you can take that will help you to create a brighter future for yourself. Put your mind to it, and it won’t be long before you’re witnessing results from your efforts and surpassing those around you. What’s most important is that you don’t get discouraged and understand that finding success is a continuous journey and may take some time.

Set Goals

A wise place to start if you want to be more successful in your career is to set goals for what it is you wish to achieve. Otherwise, you risk not having any idea of where you’re heading and falling off track and eventually losing your way. Be specific with your objectives such as determining how much money you want to be making going forward or which promotion you want to go after in the near future. Review your goals often and keep them in mind, so you know what it is you’re working toward each and every day you head into work.

Advance Your Knowledge & Skills

You can also be more successful in your career by committing to advancing your knowledge and skills. There are many ways to do this including going back to school and getting your masters degree. For example, if you’re an engineer with a busy schedule, then you may want to consider a masters in civil engineering online from Michigan Technological University so you can make your dreams a reality. The more knowledge you have in your area of expertise the more attractive of an employee you’re going to be to those who are hiring for positions in your field.

Get on the Same Page as Your Boss

Sometimes all it takes to be successful in your career is to have a serious conversation with your boss about what it is you wish to accomplish. Get on the same page as your superior by having regular check-ins with him or her and consistently going over your goals. It’s possible they’ll have further insight as to what you should be working on to develop your skills and what you need to be doing so you’re a more attractive candidate for any upcoming promotions. Be open and honest and let them in on what you feel is holding you back so they can offer you sound advice about how to best proceed.

Demonstrate Leadership Abilities

If you want to be more successful in your career, then it’s necessary to be able to demonstrate leadership abilities. Moving up in your career will require you to delegate tasks to others and build trust with those around you. It’s important to be a good listener as well and willing to hear people out about what ideas they have and make changes to current processes accordingly based on their observations. To be a good leader means:

• Being a good communicator
• Demonstrating honesty and integrity
• You are accountable for actions
• You are able to delegate and empower others
• You are creative and innovative

These are just a few qualities you should focus on developing if you wish to see yourself in a higher level position over the years.

Be Proactive

In addition, you can be more successful in your career by being proactive and taking the initiative instead of waiting around for others to tell you what to do next. For instance, if you notice there’s a better way to perform your work or you see someone who needs help then speak up and let your presence be known. Employers like to have someone on their team who isn’t afraid to voice their concerns or ideas if it’s going to better the company and help everyone out. No boss wants to manage an employee who is always having to be told what to do and doesn’t appear very passionate about the company or job.

Network with Others

It’s extremely important to build your professional network if your goal is to be more successful in your career. You never know who you’re going to meet that will be able to offer you an attractive position elsewhere or help you advance at your current job. A lot of times it’s about who you know and being able to build relationships that will allow you to perform better at your job and advance in your career. You want others to trust you and know they can turn to you for advice and to bounce ideas off of. It’s never too late to start building your network and getting to know others both at your workplace and in the general business community.

Take Care of Yourself

You can also be more successful in your career by making sure you’re good about taking care of yourself. For instance, it’s important to eat right, exercise and get good sleep, so you have a lot of natural energy at work. You’ll perform better and won’t make as many mistakes when you’re well-rested and aren’t carrying around a lot of unwanted stress with you each day. Get to know yourself well, and what triggers you have so you can avoid situations and people that tend to get under your skin and upset you. Work on improving your emotional intelligence so that you don’t take actions or say words in the workplace that you may later regret.


Success doesn’t happen overnight and often takes a lot of extra effort and hard work on your part. Use these tips as practical ways for how you can be more successful in your career and get ahead quickly. Keep in mind that there will be ups and downs along the way but that if you stay focused and are committed to building a promising future for yourself that you’ll be able to achieve great accomplishments in your life.

What to Consider Before Taking Your Business Global
Mar 25, 2019

If your business is a success in your home country, it’s natural to be curious about the possibility of taking this success to the next level with global expansion. Companies which manage to do so open a whole new world of possibilities for their business’ potential, but not every business has what it takes. Business decisions are always fraught with risk and complex issues, but international expansion is a unique undertaking that you should not walk into blindly. Before you take the leap, here are some potential challenges you should consider before making the final decision to go global.

1. Is There a Market for Your Product?

It’s a simple one but a big one, is there an audience for your product or service? Trying to move your business into a country where there is no demand for your product could be a catastrophic waste of money and time. It’s not enough to think your product is needed; you need to do your research and base your business decisions on facts and data. On the other hand, if there is a demand, is it already being met by other companies? Make sure you can offer something unique and if you can avoid saturated markets.

2. Are There Cultural Differences or Language Barriers?

What language is spoken in your chosen country? If you don’t have the ability to communicate this could be a big stumbling block. You have the option to learn some key elements of the language, or you may need to hire a translator or bilingual member of staff. Another option is outsourcing customer service to somewhere which can communicate with your new customers. Learning the language or at least the basics will mean that you can build stronger relationships with new clients and/or distributors. Obviously, there will also be differences in currency and trade processes to get to grips with.

In addition to language barriers, you need to consider the potential for cultural differences. Your new customers and business partners may be used to conducting business in a different way. In some countries, business transactions are very simple and straightforward while others expect a degree of ‘small talk’ or socializing as part of the business relationship. You don’t want to offend simply by being unaware of any business traditions or customs that may be important to others. For example, it is customary in China to bring a gift to a business meeting. The gift will be refused by the recipient several times before being accepted.

3. Do You Understand Legal Regulations and Tax Codes?

There will be new business regulations and tax codes as well as trading standards to meet. You may have to set up a foreign business bank account to deal with your transactions as foreign banks may be reluctant to deal with a U.S based account. Packaging requirements will also differ from country to country, and you may need to translate the wording into the country’s native language and possibly several others.

4. What’s the Local Competition?

If there is already a product or service like yours in the new country, you need to work out your USP. Why would local people choose to buy from a foreign manufacturer a domestic one? Is your product of a better quality or offering benefits that others do not? It may be that being a US manufacturer would be an advantage, but you’ll certainly need to win their trust. If possible, you should travel to the country and visit attend some relevant trade shows.

5. Consider Online Ecommerce

A potential way to sell products globally is with an international ecommerce platform. These enable you to trade with the same efficiency as you do in your home market as well as providing you with insight into all elements of the sales process. A multi-channel ecommerce platform will help you to tailor your sales approach for different languages, currencies and even seasonal trends.

6. How Will You Arrange Shipping and Distribution?

The efficiency of your shipping and distribution is crucial to global expansion. You may want to partner up with a company in the county as they will have experience in the nuances and processes involved. This may also help potential customers to have more faith in your brand. Logistics is a complex subject even in your home country, so before taking the decision to go internationa, you should consider finding some further training or even a degree in relevant business disciplines. For example, you can study for an MS in supply chain management online which includes modules on global shipping and leadership.

7. Do Your Need to Rebrand?

Will your new customers respond to your brand and product ideas, or have they been designed with your home customers in mind? It may be worth doing some rebranding which is largely consistent with what you have but incorporates elements which are more appealing to the new market. What is humorous in your country may be offensive in another and vice-versa. The sourcing of materials may be important here as you could significantly improve your margins and the reliability of the supply chain by using local suppliers and supporting the local economy.

8. Have You Done Your Due Diligence?

If possible, you should always visit the country you intend to sell your product in. This will enable you to see first-hand how your business may fit in with the culture and existing market. You’ll also be able to do some research into your potential competitors and how they market their products. Do as much research and analysis as you can, consider all the worst-case scenarios and how you would tackle them if they happened.
Should You Expand Your Business Internationally?

Despite all these considerations and hurdles, expanding your business internationally is still an exciting time. Finding new markets is a great way to extend the sales life of your products and helps to protect your business from unpredictable demand cycles and seasonal shifts. If you take a pragmatic and realistic approach based on a foundation of evidence (not assumption) that your business has the potential to succeed internationally, it could be the best thing you ever do.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

4 Areas Of Business Where Communication Matters
Jan 10, 2018

The word communication gets thrown around a lot in business, but it isn’t always put into practice. It makes a huge difference in how smooth or rocky your company operates on a regular basis. It becomes quite obvious to everyone involved when there’s a miscommunication occurring.

That’s why it’s important to take a good look at what areas of business communication plays the biggest role, so you can make changes on your end. Focusing on these main categories will help you better succeed. Keep in mind that communication skills can always be improved when carefully attended to and made a priority.

Business Plan & Strategy

You need to use your communication skills when you’re writing and reviewing a business plan and strategy. There’s a lot of time and effort that goes into this project, so it only makes sense you’d want to do it right the first time. It also does you no good if you write the business plan and then no one understands it clearly. Get rid of the fluff: You should always be as concise as possible and remove any filler language (Forbes). You have to not only be able to record it on paper, but also verbally describe it to other important people.

Project Initiatives

One way to grow your company is to launch an online store. It allows for increased visibility for your business. With investment in search engine optimization and online promotion, an online shop becomes more accessible to customers searching for your products. This isn’t a project you’d want to tackle alone. You’d want to hire a company like Eventige to help you design and develop it to get the most ideal outcome. With a team dedicated to customizing your look and feel, your online store will make your brand and product shine like never before. It’s not enough to hire them and be hands off. You’ll need to be clear about what you’re picturing, so they can help you achieve the best results.

With your Employees

Your employees aren’t going to do what you want them to unless you can make it clear what you want out of them. You need to be able to hold conversations with each other, explain directions and give feedback. Your business will suffer if you’re not getting your message across. It should be professional, to the point and not leave a lot of questions up in the air when the conversation is done. It’s important you hire people who have strong communication skills, so you’re not always running into issues.

With your Customers

Your customers matter the most and how you communicate with them can make or break a sale. It’s important to be consistent, clear and provide enough information that doesn’t leave them hanging. Be aware of how you’re talking on the phone to a client and what information you’re posting on your website. Ask for feedback, so you know if your business is effectively communicating with consumers and clients.

Always keep communication at the forefront of your mind when interacting with business colleagues or clients. Keep current with your skills by participating in professional development courses. Never be afraid to ask more questions or check if your message is being heard correctly.

Modern Management - 6 Things Employers Should Be Looking For in 2018
Aug 29, 2017

As an employer, you’re always on the lookout for talented potential employees. These employees will no doubt carry your business on their backs, and you need them on your team. Often though, employers can have a tough time seeing through the vast amount of candidates for the job. With many potential applicants, choosing the one that can help the most can be difficult.

That’s why today’s employer needs to be discerning. You wouldn’t hire an Applied Finance major to your accounting firm unless they’d taken the regulatory guidelines course (or RG 146 course), would you? This kind of skill is important to the field of accounting, but there are many other skills that are essential while interviewing candidates for 2018. Here are some of our favourites.

Communication Skills

It goes without saying that proper communication is key in business. Being able to properly convey a point to a customer or your supervisor is extremely important. This is as true for on-site employees as it is for employees working remotely. Good communication skills aren’t just verbal, either. Employers should look for good interpersonal and writing skills. Employees with great communication skills are assets to your team.


This, too, is a no brainer. When you have an employee who wants to work alone, and rarely helps others with projects, the entire office suffers for it. Finding people who are able to work with others effectively can prop up your business effectively. These people are receptive to the ideas of others and are able to manage expectations within a group setting. These people are your leaders when you aren’t there, and that is invaluable.

Critical Thinking

Problem-solving goes a long way in a business setting. If the problem is that “this is how we’ve always done it”, then having an employee that proposes a better way is valuable. No critical thinking within a business means the company is generally inflexible. Today’s world demands flexibility. Employees that critically analyse situations will often bring research to the table. They are taking responsibility for their work on an analytical level as opposed to an emotional level.

Be Collaborative, Not Comparative

As mentioned in the teamwork section, it’s important to work together in order to succeed. But working together also means not acting on a comparative level either. You can’t create a solid foundation on your team if everyone is working comparatively as opposed to collaboratively. Employees who want to build up others as opposed to shedding light on themselves is important.

Listening Skills

The ability to listen in the workplace can make or break an employee. Having great communication skills is one thing, but understanding what the other person is saying is just as important. This means paying attention to what’s been said by the other person. Being attentive in the workplace is a great quality for an employee to have. Maybe you want to convey something to them, but can’t quite find the words to do it. If they have good listening skills, they’ll be able to figure out contextually what you mean. This person is definitely a keeper.

Experience After University

While a degree is important to employers, it isn’t everything. There are hundreds of graduates with bachelor degrees in multiple fields, and many of them are qualified to do the job you need done. However, it’s important to look past their successes in university and onto what they’ve done beyond their degree. Having customer service skills is important, and there aren’t classes that teach this in university. Working at a pub, however, trains grads how to work with a customer. Look past the cap and gown.

Graduates With Intangibles

Hiring the top student is no longer required to succeed in business. For your office to succeed, you need to find the right people to make it succeed. Great communication skills go a long way, and teamwork and critical thinking will keep your business moving forward. So look closely at the smaller skills in your candidates to truly hire an amazing employee.

5 Tips to Help You Get Promoted at Work
Apr 25, 2017

Not many people are happy staying in the same career for years when there are higher-paid, more senior positions to move up to. So, if you’re hoping to climb up the ranks, then it is important to focus on managing and developing your career.

Whether you have been part of the team for a little or a long time, there are many things that you can do starting today to help you improve your chances of getting a promotion.

Tip #1. Improve Your Education

As college degrees become an increasingly vital requirement for many jobs in varying industries, there is a higher demand for graduates who’ve not just got a bachelor’s degree behind them who but have also completed a post-graduate program such as an international relations master’s degree or other international affairs graduate programs. Thanks to online learning, you can continue your education whilst still working full-time. Programs are highly flexible and you can choose a study schedule and timetable to suit you.

Tip #2. Network More

Often, who you know is just as important as what you know when it comes to gaining a promotion at work and developing your career. Attending business events held by your company and other professional networking events is a great way to get yourself out there and make your name known. If the people with the power to promote you don’t really know you, you’ll need to work even harder to get noticed.

Tip #3. Find an Internal Mentor

Today, many bosses are much happier to be able to promote from within, since it’s cheaper for the company and improves employee turnover. So, it’s not uncommon for workers who want to develop their career to find an internal mentor. A good way to do this is to lay out your career goals and show them to your boss; you can have a chat to see whether there’s anything that he/she can do to help you achieve them. Chances are they will if it means benefits for their business as well.

Tip #4. Work on Your Transferable Skills

Business skills can always be taught later, so it’s the best transferable skills that your employer is searching for. Working on skills such as time management, organization, communication, and even leadership can be done in private in your personal life, with benefits spilling over into your work. For example, you could spend a couple of hours per weekend coaching a sports team to improve your leading and motivational skills. This will look great when you hand your resume to your boss.

Tip #5. Stay Close to HR

The Human Resources department will be able to tell you whether there are any interesting training programs available at your workplace, along with pointing you in the direction of any potential promotions. Maintaining a strong relationship with the HR department in your workplace is essential; they are responsible for making a lot of decisions concerning your career.

If you want to get promoted at work sooner rather than later, then it’s essential to dedicate yourself to improving your skills, knowledge, and relationships.

Will U.S. Visa Restrictions and Immigration Changes Impact Tech Firms Recruiting Talent From Asia
Mar 29, 2017

It’s not just firms in Silicon Valley that are waiting with baited breath to see how their hiring processes may have to change due to recent changes in U.S. immigration policies. By far, the technology industry is responsible for sponsoring more H-1B visas in the U.S. than any other industry. These visas enable companies offering everything from computer data retrieval services to coding to recruit workers from abroad, with the majority coming from Asia. For technology majors in foreign countries who have plans of coming to the U.S. after graduation, these recent changes can be life changing. And for U.S. based tech firms who have long depended on international recruiting efforts, a major overhaul of both how and where they will source their talent is soon to come.

Expedited H1-B Visa Processing Set To End

Normally, computer and tech firms sponsoring employees from other nations would be able to quickly fill their ranks by getting visa applications expedited. Known as fast processing, this process formerly enabled technology companies to hire and sponsor employees from foreign countries within just a few weeks. In addition, with a cap on the number of H-1B visas granted every year in the U.S. currently being considered, renewing said visas may be an issue. Under current rules, H1-B visas are valid for three years. Normally, extending these visas or even officially beginning the immigration process to the U.S. would follow after technology employees based abroad had decided to move to the U.S. on a permanent basis. In an effort to urge U.S. technology firms to start looking at local talent first, President Trump has been pushing for a great deal of visa policy changes.

Changes In How Computer Based Companies Can Compensate Foreign Workers

One misconception that some people not actively working in the computer sector have about recruiting from outside the U.S. is that domestic firms are only interested in saving money. When you compare the salary paid to a H-1B visa holder who came to work in the U.S. for a data retrieval services company to a domestic employee, there may be a difference of tens of thousands of dollars. However, most tech firms mainly work to fill vacancies as quickly as they can with the best available talent. The number of students in the U.S. majoring in S.T.E.M. disciplines continues to decrease each year, making it difficult for employers to find suitable candidates nearby in most cases.

Fewer Visas Expected To Be Available To Foreign Technology Students

It’s not just foreign workers seeking H-1B visas who are going to be impacted by these developing changes in U.S. immigration policy. Students from abroad who routinely come to the U.S. on J-1 visas to study under technology firms during the course of summer internships will also face challenges in the near future. This is an opportunity that many tech majors figure out what exactly then want to do after graduation, and make invaluable connections with some of the types of companies they want to work with.

The U.S. has been producing the most cutting edge technologies in the world for many decades, but not without the cooperation and assistance of foreign lands. Just as the U.S. has sponsored foreign workers to come and work in the U.S., students interested in various disciplines have been welcomed with open arms in Japan, India, China, and other Asian countries in an effort to expand technology as we know it. Foreign workers can still come to the U.S. on H-1B visas, but these restrictions may permanently change how U.S. based recruiting efforts are executed.

Monitoring Employees In A Changing Work Environment
Jul 19, 2016

Supervising employees is equal parts art and science. The science involves the process of ensuring that tasks are completed, working time is logged, and skills are sharpened. The art is more about understanding the people, knowing what motivates and inspires them.

Both aspects of the role as a human resource worker are challenging, but the science, in particular, is reasonably easy to manage. Today's workforce isn't always situated in rows of cubicles or a long stream of workers along an assembly line. They are mobile, off-site, or even home-based, and they require all the same supervision that in-house employees require.

The challenge here is obvious. How do we maintain contact with far-flung workers who must maintain a high level of productivity and efficiency with a low level of company interaction?

Fortunately, the same communication and Cloud technology that permits those workers to operate from elsewhere can also make sure that they are properly monitored without intrusive or time-consuming constant contact from management.

The use of software and phone apps by HR departments is helping companies maintain the best of both worlds. They get all the access of employees who are at headquarters or other company locations, yet they have the freedom to put them wherever it's most effective to do so.

Such systems are successful for several key reasons. The value of these monitoring systems is clear from these benefits that they provide for companies of all sizes.

Equal Monitoring

It can be very destructive to an employee's morale if he or she feels singled out by management for closer monitoring or heavier supervision. With an automated system, everyone is overseen equally.
This is much easier for the supervisor as well. His or her time is used more efficiently because employees are kept in electronic view at all times. There's no wondering who stepped out for a break, who has been called elsewhere to help, or who is off sick. Everything is right there at the supervisor's fingertips.

Expected Oversight

Nothing creates accountability quite like the expectation of being checked on. There is a misperception that supervisors must be present all day, every day to prevent inappropriate use of time. That's a myth.
The only thing that's necessary to keep employees accountable is the expectation that a supervisor will be in contact. If a worker is aware that his or her supervisor could pop up on video conference, telephone, text, or email at any given moment, he or she will be more conscientious about punctuality, attendance, and staying on task.

Efficient Upkeep

Paper is now officially out of favor. There's no need for a constant stack of wasted trees to handle tasks that we can now do electronically. Submission, editing, processing, and archiving are faster, cleaner, and simpler when they are done via the computer or smartphone.

Supervising employees is just another example of that sleek performance. Logging work hours, managing employee communication, and providing information is much easier when it's done electronically, freeing up time for the real mission of the company.

The more technology takes workers away from each other, the more it can pull them back together. The wide array of programs and apps available to companies today makes it ever easier to keep a tight-knit workforce despite the miles between them.

Written by Jane Brown

Why Security Guard Training Course Are Gaining Momentum Lately
Jan 18, 2016

Before you opt for security guard training it is important to understand why you are opting for the career and what are the things to consider ahead of making a decision.

The first and foremost thing to consider before heading towards making a career in security guard profession is to whether you want to become an armed guard or unarmed guard. This is important as apart from possessing the loaded gun there are lots of differences between the two streams and one such is the pay scale.

Armed security guards are paid much higher than the unarmed colleagues. It is shocking to know the difference is much wide. Armed guards can earn in an average about $59,000 annually where as the unarmed professional can make just about $22,000. This also differs from state to state.

Not to forget to check which cities pay the highest to their security guard professionals. The top 5 in the list are Baltimore, Seattle, Washington DC, Arlington and New York City.

It is highly recommended to register for training in the highly-paid cities and better if it is in New York City or Washington DC. Both the cities are busiest and require lots of security guard professionals. Hence the chances for getting jobs faster and better here with handsome take-home salary.

Both the cities have several approved security guard training institutions like the popular Gold Security Guard Services and Blue Steel Security that provides training and courses which are majorly used in sensitive locations such as commercial avenues, airports, hotels, constructions sites and others.

The security training course at such elite schools include metal detection techniques and methods, life supporting technique, public relation, observation and documentation, and more.

Liked the profession very well? Want to join a training course?

5 Reasons to Get a Masters in Public Health Online
Dec 09, 2014

Are you a busy professional debating about whether to get a Masters in Public Health (MPH)? Settle the debate now because public health is an emerging field of study. A MPH provides the option for a fast-track career in the healthcare arena. Universities also made it easier by offering MPH programs online that cater to busy professionals. The ability to manage their schedule on their own time is a big plus while technological enhancements make it easier for people to interact in a virtual setting. If you remain unconvinced, here are five more reasons to get a MPH online.

Higher Income Potential

It is a well-documented fact that the more education that you get, the higher your income potential is. Companies are willing to offer you more money if you have more than a bachelor's degree. This is true especially for industries that have a particularly good job outlook like public health. Getting an online masters in public health also allows you to have more opportunities for advancement and opens doors for more employment opportunities available only to those with advanced degrees. Both of these outcomes involve financial gain.

A Chance to Stand Out

A MPH will give you a competitive advantage and will definitely accelerate your career growth. It also demonstrates your commitment to furthering your knowledge base. The United States Census Bureau estimates that only 11.5% of the American population have a masters level of education, so that in itself gives you more credibility and recognition when applying for highly coveted positions.

Transferable Degree

The study of public health has plenty of career options ranging from the healthcare industry to law and public policy. For example, healthcare professionals can adapt their knowledge of public awareness programs to their patients with the hope of curbing chronic illness or preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Lawyers who decide to tackle cases on Medicare fraud, medical malpractice, and hospital neglect can benefit from the knowledge of how the public health systems work. Policy analysts can use their influence to improve policies on the health and safety of the public.

Convenience, Cost Savings, and Independence

One of the major advantages of taking a program of online courses is the ability to manage your own schedule at your own pace. Being able to work from home is valuable for those who live with young kids or aging parents. Another advantage is the cost savings involved. You will save money on transportation by eliminating the commute back and forth to school. Many say that as an online student, you will get more individual attention from your instructors. Finally, you won't have to limit your options because an online program gives you the independence to apply to any university of your choosing, even if it's miles away from home.

Opportunity to Create a Lasting Impact

A career in public health provides a person with the opportunity to create a lasting impact within the community. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20th century achievements in public health are responsible for adding 25 years to the life expectancy of people in the United States in that century. Globalization has also increased the need for individuals who have the capabilities to effectively manage public healthcare and services.

As well as being convenient, an online masters degree in public health is a worthy investment for anyone who wants to enhance his or her career and contribute to the health and safety of the public.